Weekly Headlines
We Went to Hoo-Ville and it's Totally Gentrified Now

Things Definitely More Dangerous than Semi/Automatic Weapons Bought by Mentally Deranged Individuals
1. The Special K Challenge

Things People Say that they Think You've Never Heard Before
Here are some things you’ve probably heard a very smug and annoying person say, while thinking they are very special and unique for...

Things You Want Your Male Partner to Say Vs. What He Actually Says
WANT: I pick up on all your little mannerisms! You're so cute when you scrunch up your nose when you're mad. REALITY: I saw you banging...

Lessons Learned from an Almost Graduate who's Learned Almost Nothing
Some bits of wisdom from a girl who's not qualified to give any: You'll forget the parties, the hookups, the uber rides, and the exams....

Dating with IBS
Boy: U shud come over 2nite ;) Me: Do you have low fodmap (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharide and polyols)...

Things I do to Pretend the World's Not Ending
Some tips and tricks to distract you for the next 4(to 8) years! Eat a banana, peel and everything. The texture will confuse you, and...

Running into Acquaintances
"Oh heeeey! I didn't even recognize you!" “Oh, yeah maybe cuz I have diabetes now.” “Maura? Oh my god, SO weird to see you on the...

First Day of Class Introductions at Gallatin School of Individualized Studies
Freshman: "Hi I'm Alisha, with an 's' btw. I'm studying neoliberal cultural theory in post-colonial sub-Saharan Africa, with a...

5 Gluten-free Love Potions Sure to Make Your Man Love You, Dead or Alive!
Wheat-less alternatives to all your favorite romance-inducing concoctions! Repeatedly find ways at brunch to bring up how much of a...

MY Resume!
#resume #funny #humor #unemployment

Weekly Headlines
IKEA's new Nuclear Shelter Line is Giving Us Allllll the Fallout Feels [PHOTOS] 10 Off-Shore Accounts to Hide Your Pre-Existing...