10 Mother's Day Gifts More Thoughtful Than a Bouquet of Flowers
A contract, signed in blood, that you will NOT pursue your passion for improv to a level more seriously than a very, very loose hobby.

Weekly Headlines
Wow! No One in Office Picks Plain Bagel From Dozen Bagel Assortment For the 100th Time in a Row New Year, New Poo: We Talk to 8 People...

A 10 Year Old's Christmas Wishlist in 2017
Dear Santa, As I am sure you are probably aware, Christmas is coming up sooo soon. I think I’ve been reasonably good this year (except...

Weekly Headlines
Obstruction of Just-Ass? Did This Giant Potted Plant Purposely Cover Kim K's Butt in This Paparazzi Pic? Cool! Registering as a Sex...

Things Definitely More Dangerous than Semi/Automatic Weapons Bought by Mentally Deranged Individuals
1. The Special K Challenge

Purchasable, Untapped Book Titles for Millennials
Is Everyone Getting Jobs Without Me?

Things People Say that they Think You've Never Heard Before
Here are some things you’ve probably heard a very smug and annoying person say, while thinking they are very special and unique for...

The 5 People You Meet in a Hostel
1. The guy who walks in with a guitar, fully encased, in his sunburnt arms, which are poking out of his Quicksilver tanktop. He has no...

Things You Want Your Male Partner to Say Vs. What He Actually Says
WANT: I pick up on all your little mannerisms! You're so cute when you scrunch up your nose when you're mad. REALITY: I saw you banging...

Lessons Learned from an Almost Graduate who's Learned Almost Nothing
Some bits of wisdom from a girl who's not qualified to give any: You'll forget the parties, the hookups, the uber rides, and the exams....

Things I do to Pretend the World's Not Ending
Some tips and tricks to distract you for the next 4(to 8) years! Eat a banana, peel and everything. The texture will confuse you, and...

Running into Acquaintances
"Oh heeeey! I didn't even recognize you!" “Oh, yeah maybe cuz I have diabetes now.” “Maura? Oh my god, SO weird to see you on the...

5 Gluten-free Love Potions Sure to Make Your Man Love You, Dead or Alive!
Wheat-less alternatives to all your favorite romance-inducing concoctions! Repeatedly find ways at brunch to bring up how much of a...